Erasmus: ECTS course catalogue
The ECTS catalogues include detailed, user-friendly and up-to-date information on the institution’s learning environment available to students before entering and throughout their studies to enable them to make the right choices and use their time at UKF most efficiently.
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of Central European Studies
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care
The education system at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra is based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which ensures compatibility with leading educational institutions and fosters student mobility between the universities across the European Union. ECTS was developed by the Commission of the European Union in order to provide common procedures to guarantee academic recognition of studies abroad. It provides a way of measuring and comparing learning achievements and transferring them from one institution to another. It is a student-centred system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme, objectives preferably specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be acquired.
The faculties of UKF provide only accredited study programmes in a full-time or part-time form. At each level of study (Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral), students can choose curricular courses according to their interests from a variety of courses provided by their own departments and faculties, other UKF faculties, and even other Slovak universities. This way, the students can actively participate in the content creation of their curricula, optimal profiling and individual study pace. All inquiries about study issues and study offer should be refered to the respective faculty.
You can read more about the ECTS used in our university in ECTS system at UKF in Nitra.
AIS (Academic Information System)
AIS is a database where all UKF students´ data are being recorded during his study (student´s personal data, study schedules, exams, notes, final thesis, etc.) and which is used also for publishing announcements to students from teachers. AIS is available in Slovak or English version. Once the student is accepted to our university, he enters AIS using the password and username given by UKF. After choosing the required courses during the enrollment process, student has to sign up for study schedule of each course and to sign up for each exam via AIS. After completing study semester at UKF, Study Registration Office of the respective faculty issues the official Transcript of Records (in Slovak or in English). After successful completion of the entire degree study, student is awarded Diploma with Diploma Supplement signed by the rector and the dean of the respective faculty.
Foreign Erasmus+ students are allowed to make changes comparing their originally proposed programme in the Learning Agreement within one month after arriving to UKF. As study issues are in charge of the respective UKF faculty, Learning Agreement must be signed by departmental and faculty coordinator of UKF, not by International Relations Office of UKF. International Erasmus+ students are free to choose courses of interest also from other fields of study, study years or other faculties provided that these courses are taught in a foreign language (mostly English) at their level of study, the semester of mobility and are agreed by the respective departmental coordinator. Study timetables are given to Erasmus+ student in the faculty or student can directly print them from AIS.
All courses and all study programmes offered at UKF can be searched through freely accessible AIS website:
Slovak Language Course for Exchange Students

Each semester, our university offers 2 free of charge Slovak Language Courses for incoming exchange students:
- In the Faculty of Arts (Language Center, teacher: Mgr. Renáta Pavlová, PhD.), course name: Slovak Language for Foreigners, course code: JC/SKFOR/15, 2 ECTS)
- In the Faculty of Central European Studies (Institute of Central European Languages and Cultures, teacher: PhDr Lenka Tkac-Zabakova, PhD.), course name: Slovak for Foreigners 1, course code: USJK/SPC1/19, offered in the 1st semester for 3 ECTS or Slovak for Foreigners 2, course code: USJK/SPC2/19, offered in the 2nd semester for 3 ECTS)
Students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts can only follow the course JC/SKFOR/15. Students enrolled in other UKF faculties can only follow the course USJK/SPC1/19 or USJK/SPC2/19. For applying to the course, student marks his interest in the course within the Appliction Form for Exchange Students and sends it to the International Relations Office along with his further documents. After arrival, student has to register for the chosen Slovak Language Course via AIS of UKF in order to follow it and see the assessment in the final Transcript of Records issued from AIS.
To improve your Slovak language skills or just to familiarize yourself with basics of Slovak language, you can also use a free external on-line portal, which offers Slovak language courses at different levels (A1 and A2), grammar, exercises or games as well as information about Slovak particularities. Portal has been created by participants from Slovakia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and United Kingdom and supported by the European Commission within KA2 project "Languages" of the former Lifelong Learning Programme.