
Conference organized by the Faculty of Central European Studies

A conference entitled Simple and Organised Language Management in a Bilingual Environment, organised by the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Literary Science, was held at the Faculty of Central European Studies of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. The scientific meeting took place on 11-12 June 2024 within the framework of the VEGA project No. 1/0316/21 in cooperation with the Termini Hungarian Language Research Network.
The two-day conference brought together colleagues from inside and outside Hungary (from Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Austria and Slovakia) to present the results of their research on the topic of language management from different perspectives. The main topics of the panels were: vocabulary and terminology; lexicographic management; language prestige; terminology in education; family and organizational language management; linguistic landscape; foreign language acquisition; dialects and onomastics. The session presentations were followed by rich and engaging discussion.
NovFSS konferencia jun 02w
The conference also included a showcase of the book edition of the Hungarian-Serbian phraseological dictionary and the forthcoming Hungarian-Serbian dictionary in a presentation by Emese Rajsli. The book presentation was followed by the award ceremony of the Attila T. Szabó Price, which this year was awarded to Tibor M. Pintér, associate professor at the department of Hungarian Linguistics of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary.
In addition to the excellent presentations and the panel discussions, the event was enriched by friendly conversations during the breaks and lunches, and an evening walk to the Calvary Hill, where the participants could enjoy a beautiful sunset and a view of Nitra in the early evening.
Text and photo: Mgr. Anna Oros Bugár, FSŠ – PhD. student
Published: July 8, 2024

Contact information

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01, Nitra
phone: +421 37 6408 111
ID: 00157716
VAT: 2021246590
VAT ID: SK 2021246590
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