
Faculty of Central European Studies in London

Two lecturers from the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Literary Science of the Faculty of Central European Studies, Prof. Mgr. Ildikó Vančo, PhD. and Dr. habil. István Kozmács, PhD., along with PhD. student Mgr. Anna Oros Bugár, participated in the 14th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, held at the University of Westminster, in London, from June 18 to 20, 2024.
The conference, professionally organised by the International Society for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, focused on the theme „Dictionaries as tools for language learning”.
In their presentation, Anna Oros Bugár and Ildikó Vančo analysed the language ideologies conveyed by dictionaries and their implications in language minority education. István Kozmács and Ildikó Vančo presented Bernát Munkácsi’s previously unexplored dictionary collection of the Udmurt language from the early 20th century. They discussed the potential for processing and developing this valuable material, which is currently only available on paper slips, into a database.
Both presentations were well-received by the audience and sparked lively discussions.
We returned from the conference with new international contacts, plenty of inspiration and a wealth of experience.
Text and photo: Mgr. Anna Oros Bugár, FSŠ – PhD. student
Published: July 8, 2024

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