
Erasmus+ traineeship with Kierkegaard in Malaga

The Erasmus+ programme is an important means of internationalisation of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra in the field of education and training. Through this programme, students have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and to apply it in international practice.
The short-term Erasmus+ mobility was attended by first year students of Spanish language teacher training and translation specialisation as well as postgraduate students of Linguodidactics. The students completed the internship in the period 08 June - 22 June 2024, accompanied by the professional guarantor of the Erasmus+ mobility Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Martin Štúr, PhD., from the Department of Romance and German Studies, Faculty of Arts. Assoc. Prof. Štúr participated in the preparation of the content of the internship in cooperation with Dr. José García Martín. Doctoral student Mgr. Andrea Kóňová assisted with the preparation of the administrative documents of the participating students as well as in the organization of the virtual part of the internship, which was compulsory for students of the Bachelor’s degree.
This internship became another milestone of the long-standing cooperation with Prof. José García Martín, director of the Sociedad Hispánica de Amigos de Kierkegaard in Málaga, in the field of Spanish philology, editing, translation, and perception of philosophical texts focused on current topics in the Hispanic and world context. The theme of the Erasmus+ internship was the cultural contextualization of texts in the realities of the challenges for the individual in the social and therefore philosophical situation in the tradition of Soren Kierkegaard's reflection. The students became familiar with the work of S.H.A.K., the culture and the background of Malaga and its surroundings and participated in its work by translating texts and consulting them.
Thanks are due to the Vice-Rector for International Relations Assoc. Prof. Martina Pavlíková PhD., institutional Erasmus+ coordinator, as well as to Prof. ThDr. PaedDr. Roman Králik, ThD., who is the founder of the international cooperation of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra with prof. José Garcia Martín. Without their support, the internship would not have led to the fulfilment of the educational objectives and would not have become an impetus for further professional and personal development of the students. For administrative and personal support, we would like to thank the staff of the International Relations Office Ing. Katarina Butorová, PhD. and Mgr. Pavel Vakoš. The internship could not have been realized without the support of the management of the Faculty of Arts and the management of the Department of Romance and German Studies and the Department of Translation Studies.
The benefit of the internship is the implementation of newly acquired knowledge into practice and further professional development of students of the Faculty of Arts of the Constantine the Philosopher University in the field of internationalization of education.
Text: R – International Relations Office, Mgr. Andrea Kóňová, FF – Department of Romance and German Studies
Photo: archive Andrea Kóňová
Published: July 4, 2024

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Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01, Nitra
phone: +421 37 6408 111
ID: 00157716
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