
Building Interfaces for Social Inclusion

Dear collaborative partner,

Once again I’m happy to inform you about our international semester “Building Interfaces for Social Inclusion”. It is a semester where students from all over the world meet to achieve high skills on how to include and how to collaborate with companies and institutions in a new setting of social innovation.

We live in a time where the concept of inclusion is very important. How do we include the excluded? Therefore we this year will have even more focus on the concept of inclusion related to social innovation. We focus on children and youth with special needs but are also aware that another challenge that Europe is facing today is "…unprecedented demographic changes (an ageing population, low birth rates, changing family structures and migration). In the light of these challenges it is important, both at EU and national level, to review and adapt existing policies." (European Commission: Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, 2015). Therefore we on the BISI semester also will focus on life quality of elderly people.

Right now we have students applying from different European countries as well as Latin America. All applications must be done directly on the internet through MoveON, you find how to apply on the following link: http://international.ucl.dk/study-programmes/social-education/social-education-odense/international-semester-spring/. Deadline is first of November. Since it is the first time we use MoveON, PLEASE let me know if you have students who are applying.

At the department of Social Education we truly believe that meeting people from other parts of the world, learning about their point of view and approach to educational questions do contribute in creating mutual understanding. Inclusion will happen when we do not fear losing our selves. Social innovation emerge when we realize that by a little knowledge and action we actually can make changes!

Kontaktné informácie

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre
Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01 Nitra
tel: +421 37 6408 111
IČO: 00157716
DIČ: 2021246590
IČ DPH: SK 2021246590
E-schránka: ico://sk/00157716 
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