Useful holidays for your students: Workcamps and Campuses in Provence!

Keen on active and original holidays in Provence and the Mediterranean countries?
Take part in an International volunteer workcamp or a euro-mediterranean campus with APARE-CME!

Open to everybody, International volunteer workcamps give you the opportunity to take part in Mediterranean heritage safeguarding, in Provence in a special atmosphere of sharing and international meeting.
Over a period of two or three weeks, volunteers live together and participate in a work programme every morning that will enable them to receive basic training from professionals in stonework, restoration and consolidation of Provençal and Mediterranean constructions.
Every afternoons and Week-end, free time is organised for volunteers, with various sporting, cultural or artistic activities on offer.
Volunteer workcamps are indeed holidays, but they are useful holidays, true human and cultural adventures.
This year, we offer 15 workcamps in Provence and, 2 workcamps in Croatia and Romania are planned.

For example :
-Between sea and mountain, come and help to move on and restore the old communal oven!
-Come with us to discover one of the lastest wild Côte d’Azur site, and help us to restore the 19th century ancient semaphore tower in La Croix Valmer!
-At the foot of the Alpilles hills, painted by Vincent Van Gogh, come to Eyguières and restaure the Gilouse Spring!

Campuses are field-based research workshops for students and young professional people from Europe and the Mediterranean countries who want to put their knowledge into practice and gain valuable professional experience. Supervised by experienced professionals, participants volunteer to work as part of an international and multi-disciplinary team on an environmental or heritage-based subject. 

This year in Tunisia, Lebanon, Italy, Marocco and France, campus are also a unique opportunity to discover these countries from the inside, beyond the usual clichés! For each campus safety conditions are guaranted by local organizers, that has all a goup hosting experience.

Among the 8 campuses proposed this year :

Tunisia : Development of a discovery route in the Oasis of Chenini (22 July – 10 August)
Tunisia : Involving Youth in the preservation of the ecosystem of Zammour (17 August – 5 September)
Lebanon : Development of eco-consuming practices (6 September – 26 September)

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Kontaktné informácie

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre
Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01 Nitra
tel: +421 37 6408 111
IČO: 00157716
DIČ: 2021246590
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E-schránka: ico://sk/00157716 
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